
Friday, September 26, 2003

An interesting Boston-based research group, studies energy, business and community sustainability, and so on: Tellus Institute - non-profit, environmental research and consulting

Thursday, September 25, 2003

NPR radio series on the next epidemic - easy listening on difficult subkects. NPR : Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS): "Looking Beyond SARS Health Authorities on Alert for the Next Medical Epidemic"
Report from the Janus project on government policy roles in the Information society - some discussion of informatisation of government, some of the use of scenarios to examine IS. probably further chasing down of some of the source materials would yield more depth.
Janus Report

Thursday, September 11, 2003

Not quite Foresight then? The Labour Party - Welcome to Forethought
"Forethought is Labour’s centre for policy research and is intended to provide additional impetus to Labour’s research and creative thinking and to help us join up research with the policy work of the party. This organisation should ensure a strong, well-researched policy agenda for the next decade." There looks to be some interesting stuff here, e.g. a paper on discussion paper on the political challenges likely to face us in 2020, one on declining voter turnout, etc.

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

This is a page on futures links (many do not have their websites provided. Alliance for Capitalizing on Change Links The host organisation publishes many interesting papers and presentations on futures, industrial ecology, etc.
Best Practice Roadmapping and Innovation Management: The newsletter for insider tips and techniques - Issue 5, August 8th 2002 "The number of technology roadmaps available on the Internet continues to grow. Tens of thousands of website roadmap references have been updated in the past three months. It’s possible that some standardized roadmap structures could improve the search results for both industry and corporate roadmaps. Research going on in this area and if you are interested in roadmapping standards, write to our newsletter. We will put you in touch with academic and corporate researchers on the leading edge of this work..."
Technological and economic trends determining the development of
High Performance Computing (HPC) hardware architectures and systems in the time range 2006–2011 HPC roadmap
the National Technology Roadmap
for SemiconductorsMetrology roadmap
Trough Institute on "technology roadmap" first of a number of websearch hits providing information on the methods; I am going to add in a series of sectoral/technology studies.
For a start:
MIT Microphotonics Center: Communications Technology Roadmap (seems to require membership to obtain). The purpose of this roadmap project is to provide technology development targets for the long-term evolution of photonic component integration in the optical communications industry

Monday, September 08, 2003

The Journal of 2020 Foresight Funny peculiar?
the global future forum: "current theme is " 'Future of Business Education'
The Grove Consultants International: What's New Use of graphics methods in futures work. Nice pictures.
Welcome to Our Future.org: "Over 100 Prominent Americans - citizen activists and policy experts concerned about our country and our planet - joined together to launch and build the Campaign for America's Future. We are challenging the big money corporate agenda by encouraging Americans to speak up - to discuss and debate a new vision of an economy and a future that works for all of us." What in US passes for left-liberal...

Thursday, September 04, 2003

Venezuelan World Futures Society's bibliography - several downloadabble items. Can find other useful material on this site.

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