
Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Renewablke enery scenarios

"An ambitious but realistic scenario published by EREC ... shows that a global share of renewable energy up to 50% of total primary energy consumption by 2040 is possible

This scenario that presents the possible evolutions of annual installations growth rates for the different renewable energy technologies has been made in reaction to the two most quoted existing scenarios: the IEA scenario and the Shell scenario, both being rather conservative and reluctant on the development of renewables. ...

Renewable sources of energy are in line with an overall strategy of sustainable development...
If combined with the improvement of energy efficiency and the rational use of energy, renewable energy can provide everything fossil fuels currently offer in terms of energy services...

An Advanced International Policy (AIP) scenario developed by EREC and its member associations that makes the assumption that additional support measures to the existing ones are put into place and that therefore there are advanced cumulative growth rates for renewables shows that renewable energy sources can contribute to total primary energy consumption of nearly 50% by 2040....

A second scenario called the “Dynamic Current Policies” scenario (DCP) is also presented in the briefing and assumes less international cooperation in the field of RES than in the AIP scenario, but still ambitious policy measures on national level at least in the industrialised part of the world. Predictions lead in this case to 27% of global energy consumption to be supplied by renewable energy sources by 2040. This so-called “middle-course” scenario is more ambitious than a “business as usual” scenario would be...."

EREC – the European Renewable Energy Council - is an umbrella organisation of the leading European renewable energy industry and research associations active in the sectors of photovoltaic, wind, small hydropower, biomass and solar thermal..."
Forward Studies (Riga) sitemap
Research group based in Riga, working on knwoledge society. Lisbon process, etc.
Club of Amsterdam - Shaping Your Future in the Knowledge Society
Well-populated site, and info on various (mainly tech) developments, together with upcoming conferences -
NANOWATER in September
FUTURE of ICT in October
Summit for the Future - Visions & Strategies for 2020: Science & Technology in January 2005

Club of Amsterdam - Shaping Your Future in the Knowledge Society
COA's journal - can subscribe to this or browse online.

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