
Thursday, January 25, 2007

Sigma Scan 

Sigma Scan
a collection of future issues and trends developed by the Outsights-Ipsos MORI partnership, commissioned by the UK Government's Horizon Scanning Centre at the DTI Office of Science and Innovation.
A database of trends, emerging issues and developments which may influence the course of events over the next 50 years and thereby shape the future of the UK and the world at large. Covers the topic areas ~ Politics, Economics, Society, Science/Technology and the Environment.

300+ topics are covered, and 146 (?) Issue Papers provide brief descriptions of specific developments and how they may unfold in the future. These cover the range from Chavez to climate, transhumanism to tsunami... Hve yet to investigate more than a couple, but look a great resource

Nanotechnologies transform Computing, Materials Science and Medicine

The Quest for Unbreakable Code

A Droid for all Seasons: Robots become more versatile

Technology to empower the greying generation

Understanding complexity: how to answer the big questions

Who's in charge: choosing, funding and communicating science projects

Brain circulation: scientists move globally to where there's funding and freedom

Information Management and Handling: controlling the rising flood of data that surrounds us

Connectivity and Network Interactions

Security: marrying technological and human approaches

Sensors and Tracking: finding anything, anywhere, anytime

Space: a revival of manned space flight?

Environmental Economics

The Bright Stuff: Materials That Interact With The World

Nanotechnology: the small revolution

Emergence: expect the unexpected from complex systems

Geoshifts in Innovation

The Extended Self: better than well

Lightweight infrastructure: less is more?

The oil crisis: any light at the end of the pipeline?

Intentional biology - beyond evolution

Technology for the Body and Mind


India Shining?: Life in the ‘Indian Century’

NHS – which way forward?: Could rising costs force alternative methods of healthcare delivery?

The shadow of the bomb: The risks of WMD proliferation and terrorism

Nuclear NIMBY: meeting the challenges of next-generation nuclear waste management and public acceptability

Virtually criminal: The rise of internet crime

HIV/AIDS: The global epidemic marches on

Gene out of the bottle: Could genes from GMOs proliferate in nature?

Right to live, Right to die? Legalisation of assisted euthanasia in Britain

End-game?: A major asteroid impact on earth

The kraken awakes: the impact of a cataclysmic seismic event

Gender challenge: Could Asian gender imbalances give rise to instability?

Plight of the bumble bee: Decline in pollinator populations?

Divided we fall?: The “dis-integration” of ethnic minorities

Time is money: The growth of long hours culture

So sue me: Continuing rise in the litigation culture

Talking rubbish: The struggle to conquer the growing waste mountain

Equal in dignity: Could the UN Declaration of Human Rights be incorporated internationally into domestic law?

To arms: The growing use of lethal force in violent crime across Europe

No place like home: The rise of homeworking and e-commuting

Ceasefire in the drugs war: Legal restrictions eased on recreational drug consumption

Sowing a bitter crop: Global reductions in available arable land

Plenty more fish in the sea?: The depletion of fish stocks.

Here be dragons?: possible political unrest in key Asian states

Come together: Virtual communities, multiple identities?

Virtual democracy?: Political activity goes online

No country is an island?: Ongoing demands for UK military interventions overseas

A frozen North?: The decline and fall of the gulf stream

Who’s looking at you? Increasing mass surveillance

A modern Icarus: Could solar flares cause communication meltdown?

Too hot, too fast, too soon: Could feedback mechanisms trigger runaway global warming?

Opting out: Declining trust and engagement in conventional politics

What replaces the factory? Post-industrial Britain

Thirsty Britain: Water shortages in the UK?

The ageing equation: Some economic impacts of the ageing UK population?

Globalisation: Could the barriers be going up again?

Shaken to the foundation? Reworking tax policy

Offshoring Britain? An increase in the international outsourcing of management.

Ever decreasing circles: the retreat of the state from national life

Black daze: A possible collapse of shareholder wealth?

Divided income, divided society: Hardening attitudes to poverty

Spare any change? The advent of the cashless economy

Exchange rate shock: The collapse and rebirth of international currency exchange rate mechanisms

China crisis?: Could there be major social and political upheaval in China?

Financial faultlines: Could global financial fragility by exposed by sudden interest rate shock?

Design-a-job: Changes in the contractual nature of work

Impending labour shortages in the developed world: blessing or curse?

Distributed manufacturing: Smaller, localised and customised production processes

The end of ownership?: Ubiquitous leasing of manufactured goods

Mathematical world: living inside a world of continuous computing

Sensory transformation: life in a cloud of data

Trading up for Africa: The opportunities for a tariff-free market

The Bear market: Authoritarianism in Russia – Putin and after

Innovation communities: Open-source, cooperative R&D

The left in Latin America: a challenge to the US?

From consumer to creator: The content revolution and the rise of the creative class

Redistributed riches: Could we see the introduction of a wealth tax?

Living in terror: The price of ongoing threats to security?

Back to the land: The re-greening of British agriculture

8Might the savings be saved?: Will we see a decline in the savings industry if consumers live for the moment?

Jobs for the girls: A female dominated workforce?

Emission suppression: Reducing carbon emissions through sequestration

Raising the stakes: Will Iran develop nuclear capability?

Waiting for "The Big One": a major earthquake on the US west coast

Live to work: Pervasive working culture

Booze Britain: A national obsession gets out of hand

A delicate balance: the struggle for sustainable farming and fishing

Singleton settlements: The boom in single households

The digitisation of knowledge: The wholesale transfer of conventional knowledge media to online sources

Divine division: Could sectarian religious conflict engulf a major region?

Serious, organised and networked crime: Criminal networks in the era of globalisation

Leaving the “ever-closer Union”: Could Britain withdraw from the EU?

All Nations Under God? Decline of the Secular State

Public service, private provider?: future implications of the growth of PFI schemes

The Asian equation: Population growth in Asia to 050

Keeping up with the Gates’: Regulation lags behind rapid technological innovation

“What would Jesus drive?”: the birth of green spirituality and creation care

Pulling out the rug: Will we see US isolationism?

Food for thought: Obesity on the rise

Inclusive security?: United Nations Security Council enlargement?

Mind over matter: Successful mental health treatments lead to peak demand

Rural revival?: Diversification of rural economies to create sustainable rural communities

“No such thing as society”?: The rise of individualism and the weakening of social cohesion

Playing politics: The blurring of celebrity and polity

Robo-rights: Utopian dream or rise of the machines?

Movement of the people: mounting pressures on transport infrastructure

All the world is a stage: The increasing power of transnational corporations

Quenching the thirst: International water shortages?

Devolution or revolution?: managing the tensions between and national identities in a globalising world

Breaking the language barrier: The development of human-animal communication

Home is where the head is: A rise in home-education?

Developing pollution: The effects of air pollution on the developing world

Shopping and sharing: The mainstreaming of ethical consumerism

Return to the Ark: Breeding of endangered species and preservation programmes

A Grand Tour: Mass global tourism

One flag, many nations: The establishment of an international army?

A society of surveillance?: The national introduction of ID cards?

A final harvest: the end of agricultural subsidies?

Europe looks West: A resurgence of pro-Atlanticism within the EU?

Eco-terrorism: A rising threat?

Saving lives through disaster prediction

Financial Faith: Choice, diversity and commercialism in religious practice

Seeking safe haven: Could we see sudden mass appeals for asylum in the UK?

Will we have armies in the future?: Declining recruitment rates for the armed forces

Special relationships: British foreign policy in the Chinese century

Counter-urbanisation and declining city centres

On thin ice: Reduction of polar ice caps

Bio-breakout: A world swept by pandemics

Clean, green machines: The advent of the carbon-lite economy

We all sign on: Could levels of unemployment rise dramatically?

Globalised migration: Complex human transfers

Technology’s child: the advent of young, tech-literate commercial talent

Hi-tech market specialisation: Demand for focussed, niche-specific business policy?

The Rise of the Trillion Dollar Bank: Consolidation in the banking and financial services sector.

Could the EU claim UK tax supremacy?

1The ethics of intervention: Could foreign policy go 'soft?'

The 'greening' of government: Environmental considerations come to the fore in policymaking

An end to state paternalism?: Reductions in regulations on society

Deepening the inequality gap: A class apart?

Mega-corps on British shores: Inward investment and the threat to UK business ownership

From information to insight: Intelligent support and the conquest of information overload

No more -to-5: The advent of 4-hour cities

From “The Enlightenment” to “Enlightenment”: The proliferation of new faith movements in Britain

Age and Engage: "Global greying" to 030 and the rise of the empowered senior citizen

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