Defra, UK - Horizon Scanning Outputs from lessons learned review now uploaded!
In 2006, the Horizon Scanning and Futures programme entered a year-long period of review and consolidation and commissioned Sparknow, a pioneer in the use of narrative techniques to capture knowledge, to help it review the work thus far and draw out the lessons to belearned.
Through a series of events, interviews, discussions and exercises we've gathered countless experiences and insights that tell us how the programme has been run in the past and how our 'critical friends' think it should be run in the future.
The lessons we've found are presented in these essays, each of which is a frank and readable summary of our findings on a core 'sticky' question identified by our stakeholders.
Green Arrow Essays: Looking back at looking forwards
Wrapped around the essays, the folder itself also functions as a wallchart, overview and planning tool. It lays out the project ifecycle and places on it the collected advice and hard-won experience of the people who carried out Defra's early futures projects.
Green Arrow Wallchart Project Lifecycle
# posted by Ian Miles : 3:25 PM
# posted by Ian Miles : 3:18 PM
# posted by Ian Miles : 3:18 PM
The Phoenix Project: Roster of Participants"This project grew out of some discussions among a group of writers, activists, film makers, and others, all of whom are deeply concerned about the state of the world, and the prognosis for the future.
The problems are obvious enough, but the movement toward useful solutions seems far, far below what is needed. Everywhere people are applying bandages to symptoms, or trying to, leaving untreated the systemic sources of the problems.
We decided to join forces, as a loose-knit network of collaborators, to explore what we could do to spark new initiatives and new thinking…looking at our problems from a systemic perspective, and seeking systemic solutions.
As our first initiative we are organizing The Phoenix Gathering. We are bringing together leading thinkers and visionaries to join us in this exploration, this search for new approaches to the crises that face humanity and the natural world...."
# posted by Ian Miles : 7:55 AM
# posted by Ian Miles : 2:06 AM
ELAC is the CEPAL programme on Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean.
This page supplies many publications including some in English like
and I will put more info about Foresight work on my other blogs.
# posted by Ian Miles : 12:43 PM
# posted by Ian Miles : 12:42 PM