Thursday, May 22, 2014
Strategy Unit
Gone now, but still available is this valuable Archive of Publications
The Strategy Unit publishes a range of documents, including reports, discussion papers, analytical papers and consultation documents. The Unit's outputs also contribute to published reports and papers of other government departments.
The Strategy Unit publishes a range of documents, including reports, discussion papers, analytical papers and consultation documents. The Unit's outputs also contribute to published reports and papers of other government departments.
- Skills for growth: the national skills strategy, support to BIS in developing the new skills strategy, setting out the strategy for a system that provides higher level of vocational technical experience, with special emphasis on the expansion of apprenticeships, more emphasis on strategic skill needs in key sectors and more responsiveness to learners and employers needs.
- An analysis of urban transport reviews the challenges and opportunities for transport in urban areas. It finds that the impact of transport on the people that live and work in cities goes beyond the benefits of mobility and the economic consequences of congestion.
- Power in People's Hands: learning from the world's best public services, a joint study with HM Treasury on international innovations in public services, published on 16 July 2009.
- (Building a society for all) ages
- Extending Our Reach: A Comprehensive Approach to Tackling Serious Organised Crime [PDF 2.6MB, 83 pages], produced jointly with the Home Office and published on 13 July 2009.
- Unleashing Aspiration: The Final Report of the Panel on Fair Access to the Professions
- Your child, your schools, our future: building a 21st century schools system [External website] supporting work on a White Paper published by DCSF in June 2009
- Building Britain's Future [PDF 811KB, 126 pages], produced jointly with a range of departments and published on 29th June 2009
- Quality of Place: Improving the Planning and Design of the Built Environment [PDF 4.78MB, 107 pages], published in June 2009.
- World class places: The Government's strategy for improving quality of place [External PDF] published on 12 May 2009
- Fair Access Panel Research Paper [PDF 452KB, 52 pages], published 14 April 2009
- Working together - Public services on your side [External PDF], published 10 March 2009
Next Steps for Early Learning and Childcare – Building on the 10-Year Strategy [PDF, 1.8MB], published on 28 January 2009
Next Steps for Early Learning and Childcare – Building on the 10-Year Strategy (summary) [PDF, 1MB], published on 28 January 2009
New Opportunities: Fair Chances for the Future [External website], a White Paper published on 13 January 2009
- New Opportunities: Fair Chances for the Future White Paper [PDF, 1.16MB, 108 pages]
- Families in Britain: an evidence paper [PDF 1.92MB, 110 pages], joint work with DCSF published on 18 December 2008
- Fair Rules for Strong Communities [PDF 1.22MB, 65 pages], published on 2 December 2008
- Getting on, getting ahead - A discussion paper: analysing the trends and drivers of social mobility [PDF 1MB, 95 pages] published on 3 November 2008
- Report summary [PDF 750KB, 24 pages] of the Cabinet Office June 2008 publication Excellence and fairness: Achieving world class public services - 1 August 2008.
- Youth Crime Action Plan 2008 [Home Office website] - published by the Home Office on 15 July 2008.
- Food Matters: Towards a Strategy for the 21st Century - final report on future food policy, published on 7th July 2008.
- NHS Next Stage Review - High Quality Care For All [PDF 2.77MB, 92 pages], published by DH on 30 June 2008.
- Excellence and fairness: Achieving world class public services [PDF 905KB, 48 pages], published on 27 June 2008.
- Work Skills [PDF 1.42MB, 27 pages], published by DWP and DIUS on 12 June 2008.
- Developing the NHS Performance Regime [PDF 769KB, 72 pages] published on 4 June 2008.
- Life Chances: Supporting people to get on in the labour market [PDF 1.05MB, 76 pages] - an analytical discussion paper published on 18 March 2008.
- Being the best for our children: Releasing talent for teaching and learning [PDF External website] - work with DCSF on creating a world class school workforce, published on 7 March 2008.
- Future Strategic Challenges for Britain - an SU discussion paper published on 8 February 2008.
- World-class Apprenticeships: Unlocking Talent, Building Skills for All [PDF, External website] - supported work on the Government's strategy for the future of Apprenticeships in England, published on 28 January 2008.
- Achieving Culture Change: A Policy Framework [PDF 3.2MB, 138 pages] - an SU discussion paper published on 21 January 2008.
- Food: an analysis of the issues [PDF 2.14MB, 113 pages] - an analytical paper on food and food policy, published on 3rd January 2008.
- The Children's Plan: building brighter futures [External website] - supported work on DCSF's Children's Plan, published on 11th December 2007
- Supporting work on The Government's Response to The Power of Information: An independent review by Ed Mayo and Tom Steinberg [PDF 610KB, 20pages] published on 25 June 2007.
- Supporting work on The Power of Information: an Independent Review by Ed Mayo and Tom Steinberg [PDF 279KB, 57 pages] published on 7 June 2007.
- The final report of the energy and environment strand of the Policy Review: Building on progress: Energy and environment [PDF 1.82MB, 72 pages] published on 5 June 2007.
- Supporting work on the Asset Recovery Action Plan – A Consultation Document [PDF 298KB, 52 pages] published by the Home Office on 24 May 2007.
- The final reports of the role of the state and families strands of the policy review Building on progress: The role of the state [PDF 1.32MB, 32 pages] and Building on progress: Families [PDF 1.76MB, 64 pages] published on 16 May 2007.
- Commissioned a review by the Policy Research Bureau: Interventions for children at risk of developing antisocial personality disorder [PDF 1.04MB, 106 pages] published in March 2007
- The final report of the security, crime and justice strand of the policy review: Building on progress: Security, Crime and Justice [PDF, 3MB, 110 pages] published on 27 March 2007.
- Supported work on Raising Expectations: Staying in education and training post-16 [DfES Website] published by the Department for Education and Skills on 22 March 2007.
- The final report of the public services strand of the policy review: Building on progress: Public services [PDF, 1.8MB, 87 pages] published on 19 March 2007.
- A summary of Policy Review seminars for Ministers below Cabinet level [PDF, 458KB] as presented to the Prime Minister and published on 19th February 2007.
- Higher Education: Progress, challenges and a new scheme to promote voluntary giving published on 15 February 2007 in support of the Prime Minister's launch of a scheme to encourage voluntary giving to universities [No 10 website]
- Policy Review: Summary of Background Papers [No 10 website] 6 February 2007.
- HM Government: Policy Review - Presentation by the Prime Minister to the Liaison Committee [No 10 website] 6 February 2007
Four papers published as background to the individual strands of the Policy Review on 16th January 2007:- Environment and Energy [Cabinet Office archive site]
- Public Services [Cabinet Office archive site]
(see also Discussion paper: The UK Government's Approach to Public Service Reform, June 2006) - Security, Crime and Justice [Cabinet Office archive site]
- The Role of the State [Cabinet Office archive site]
- A report on schools: progress in the last ten years and challenges ahead – background paper which fed into the Prime Minister's speech on personalised learning on 30th November 2006.
- Strategic Priorities for the UK: The Policy Review [PDF 141KB, 29 pages] - background paper for Cabinet discussion on the policy review announced in October 2006.
- Strengthening powers to tackle anti-social behaviour - consultation paper [Home Office website]
- Science and innovation - three background papers prepared in support of a speech on science and technology by the Prime Minister in November 2006
- Recovering child support: routes to responsibility [DWP website]
- The Energy Challenge Energy Review Report 2006 [PDF, BERR website]
- Schools reform - A Survey of Recent International Experience
- The UK Government's Approach to Public Service Reform
- Further Education: Raising Skills, Improving Life Chances [DfES website]
- Non-hospital social care White Paper: Our health, our care, our say: a new direction for community services [Department of Health website]
- Respect Action Plan [Home Office website]
- Fundamental Legal Aid Review [DCA website]
- Strategic Audit: Progress and challenges for the UK
- Investing in Prevention: an international strategy to manage risks of instability and improve crisis response
- Improving the prospects of people living in areas of multiple deprivation in England
- Improving the Life Chances of Disabled People
- Designing a Demonstration Project: An Employment Retention and Advancement Demonstration for Great Britain - second edition (pdf, 632kb) GCSRO report
- Life Chances and Social Mobility: An Overview of the Evidence. See also Discussion paper: Social Mobility April 2001.
- Net Benefits: A sustainable and profitable future for UK fishing
- Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy for England
- Trying It Out - The Role of 'Pilots' in Policy-Making (pdf, 272kb) GCSRO report
- Strategy Unit Drugs Report - Phase II
- Strategic Audit: Discussion Document
- Large Scale Social Experimentation in Britain: What Can and Cannot be Learnt from the Employment Retention and Advancement Demonstration? (pdf, 295kb) GCSRO report
- Quality in Qualitative Evaluation: A framework for assessing research evidence
- Alcohol Misuse: Interim Analytical Report
- Designing a Demonstration Project [PDF 632KB, 150 pages] [GCSRO report]
- Life Satisfaction: the state of knowledge and implications for government
- Assessment of Technological Options to Address Climate Change [PDF 1MB, 101 pages]
- Game Plan: a strategy for delivering Government's sport and physical activity objectives
- Electronic Networks: Challenges for the Next Decade
- Satisfaction With Public Services
- High Performing Cities - Future Challenges
- Waste Not, Want Not
- Risk: Improving government's capability to handle risk and uncertainty
- In Demand Adult skills in the 21st century - part 2
- Delivering for Children and Families
- Workforce Development: In Demand: Adult Skills for the 21st Century.
- Resource Productivity: Making More With Less
- Renewable Energy in the UK: Building for the Future of the Environment [PDF 82KB, 30 pages]
- Transport Strategy Review
- Social Mobility. See also Discussion paper: Life Chances and Social Mobility April 2004
- Rights of Exchange: SHE Trade Objectives On The Global Scale
- Electronic Government Services for the 21st Century